Here's what I'm focusing on right now:
- Being the best father and husband I can to my wife and three young children. I'm currently the stay-at-home dad, taxi service, and chef while my wife reboots her nursing career and starts up her own lactation consulting business.
- Pondering whether to expand my consulting business or slow it down and work on one or more startup ideas instead.
- Plowing through the never-ending task list that accrues when you move into a new house...
- Helping to transition Cubescape to the next chapter in its story - we opened The Curium Experience in August 2022 and have gathered over 700 five-star reviews to date. We're currently hard at work building out our second room at this venue.
- Slowly developing a few more tabletop-games and awaiting the publication of my first signed game, Yowie Kapowie!